Whatever the cause, the Confederates lost a golden opportunity at
Rolling Fork to strike a potentially crippling blow to the Union war effort by
capturing and/or disabling the cream of the Mississippi River fleet. Because of
the Confederates’ failure to act, Porter was able – with the help of the army –
to slowly back down the narrow creek to safety. While Porter claimed the
expedition was a success – he reported that his men captured a large amount of corn
and a large number of mules, horses, and cattle and had taken enough cotton “on
our decks and on the mortar boats…to pay for the building of a good boat” – he had
narrowly escaped a disaster for both the service and his own reputation.
following the failed Steele’s Bayou Expedition was a Union infantry raid out of
Greenville. Often confused with the Steele’s Bayou affair (because of the name),
Steele’s Greenville Expedition (named for Union Gen. Frederick Steele) took
place in April 1863. A decorated veteran of the Mexican War, Steele suffered a
somewhat ignominious death in 1868 after falling out of a buggy while on
vacation in California. In the spring of 1863, though, Steele (left) was ordered by
Grant to “move down Deer Creek” from Greenville and “clear the country as you
go of guerrillas and Confederate soldiers. Grant’s instructions were clear
about how Steele should treat the inhabitants of the region. “If planters
remain at home, and behave themselves,” he wrote, “molest them as little as
possible, but if the planters abandon their plantations you may infer they are
hostile, and can take their cattle, hogs, corn, or anything you need.” As a
result, destruction and desolation of the countryside would become the guiding
principle of the raid. Steele disembarked his men one mile north of Greenville
on April 2, moving east across Fish Lake Bridge toward Judge Ruck’s Plantation
(modern day Leland). Making “sad havoc” with the hogs, sheep and corn along the
way, Steele’s column turned south along the west side of Deer Creek. Almost
from the moment the Federals landed, the Confederates knew about the raid. This
was partly because Samuel W. Ferguson, whose exhausted troops had just battled
Porter’s sailors and Sherman’s infantry in the Steele’s Bayou Expedition, had
spies operating in the area. Incredibly, one of his spies, who was somehow
mistaken as a “contraband,” was able to personally interview Steele about his
intentions. Armed with this information, Ferguson boldly advanced his much
smaller force north from Rolling Fork, and met Steele’s men near the Willis
Plantation (south of Arcola). Ferguson had more bluff than anything else, but
in a series of retrograde movements was able to stall long enough for
Confederate reinforcements to come up from the Snyder’s Bluff area.
Not wanting to bring on a major engagement so far away from the Mississippi
River, Steele started back toward Greenville, burning cotton gins, corncribs
and bridges along the way. Jacob Ritner (left), a soldier in the 25th Iowa, wrote that
“We nearly laid the country waste along the road - burned most of the cotton gins, and a large
amount of cotton, corn, bacon, etc., intended for the rebels army at Vicksburg.
We brought in a large drove of fat cattle, besides what we got all the
chickens, geese, ducks and turkeys we could eat…and we got more Negroes and
mules than you could shake a stick at.” In fact, so many blacks joined the
column that General Steele pleaded with Sherman to tell him what should “be
done with these poor creatures.” Meanwhile, Ferguson, bolstered by the arrival
of reinforcements under Stephen D. Lee, harassed Steele’s column all the way
back to Greenville. Establishing a fortified camp, Steele’s men occupied
Greenville for almost two weeks, frequently making forays into the countryside
to skirmish with Ferguson’s cavalry.
There were certainly other raids and expeditions in the Delta region during
the final two years of the war. None of these, however, involved the amount of
naval power exhibited by the Federals in the spring of 1863. Perhaps the most
significant action during this period was a movement up the Yazoo River in February
and March 1864, as part of Sherman’s Meridian Campaign. On the night of February
14, the same day Sherman’s army marched into Meridian, a small Union flotilla arrived
at Greenwood, where they were greeted by none other than Greenwood Leflore, who
was waving a small U.S. flag. They didn’t stay long before dropping back
downriver to Yazoo City, but before leaving the Federals officers toured the site
of Fort Pemberton, the same place that had given them such trouble during the
Yazoo Pass Expedition. For those interested in viewing this little-known Civil
War site today, the earthworks are still there (on Hwy. 82 west of Greenwood).
A small park (above) marks the site of a portion of the fort on the north side of the
The Civil War in the Delta is often viewed as a sideshow to the big
show, a forgotten drama against the backdrop of the campaign and siege of
Vicksburg. It should be noted, however, that these expeditions, despite their apparent
lack of success, accomplished several goals for the Union war effort. First, in
each of the expeditions and raids, large amounts of cotton, corn and other
staples of life and livelihood were destroyed or captured, thereby depriving
the Confederates of their use. Second, Confederate attention was drawn away
from other critical points – while Grant toiled in Louisiana and eventually
succeeded in finding a path south to cross the Mississippi at Bruinsburg on May
1, 1863, the Confederates were kept busy trying to protect the fertile Delta
from the almost constant Federal activity. Finally, the recruitment of black
soldiers into the Union army, which began in the Mississippi Delta as early as
April 1863, would have a dramatic on the outcome of the war in Mississippi and
throughout the region.
(1) Boats: http://www.jantoo.com
(2) Porter:
(3) Ferguson: http://en.wikipedia.org
(4) Featherston:
(5) Fighting in the bayous:
(6) Steele: http://ozarkscivilwar.org/photographs/steele-frederick
(7) Ritner: http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com
(8) USCT soldier: http://www.lwfaaf.net
(9) Fort Pemberton: