The Mississippi Earthquake of 1931
after 2 a.m. on December 16, 1811, much of the mid-south was hit by a massive
earthquake. Centered near New Madrid, Missouri, the shocks were so violent that
people in far-distant Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, were awakened from their sleep
and the tremors caused church bells to ring along the East Coast of the United
States. In Savannah, Georgia, the trembling lasted about one minute, and according to a newspaper sounded like "a carriage passing over a paved path way." Closer to the epicenter, in the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys, the earthquake did much more
than simply wake people up. Throughout portions of Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas
and Tennessee, in fact, the devastation was significant and the tremors were
even felt inside Mammoth Cave. With several aftershocks in the coming days, the
New Madrid earthquake was so powerful that the Mississippi River flowed
backwards. Along the rivers, islands disappeared and large fissures produced
giant waves which capsized boats, drowning an unknown number of people. At
Vicksburg, banks of earth crashed into the river and the earthquake in places
changed the course of the Mississippi, creating, among other things, Reelfoot
Lake in western Tennessee.
the population in 1811 – at least among whites – was not great in the affected
area, the quake certainly left an impression on those who experienced it
firsthand. According to an eyewitness account in Missouri, “The screams of the
affrighted inhabitants running to and fro, not knowing where to go, or what to
do—the cries of the fowls and beasts of every species—the cracking of trees
falling, and the roaring of the Mississippi...formed a scene truly horrible.”
After the earthquake, many people believed that a comet seen before the quake
had been a sign. Others, according to a Lexington, Kentucky, newspaper,
reported that the calamity had been “foretold by the Shawanne [sic] Prophet,
for the destruction of the whites.” If Tecumseh had anything to do with the
earthquake, of course, it ultimately did little to stop the flow of white
settlers into the region. While precise measurements had not yet been invented,
the New Madrid earthquake is estimated to have been approximately 8.9 on the
Richter Scale, easily among the most powerful to hit North America. In Mississippi,
the effects of the New Madrid quake were less severe.

120 years later – on December 16, 1931 – Mississippi experienced the most
powerful earthquake in the state’s recorded history. The earthquake occurred at
9:36 p.m. and measured between 4.7 and 5.0 of the Richter Scale. The epicenter
of the earthquake was in Charleston, in Tallahatchie County, but the shock was
felt over a 65,000 square mile area throughout north Mississippi and parts of
Alabama, Arkansas and Tennessee. Reporting on the event the next day, the
editor of the Mississippi Sun newspaper in Charleston described the earthquake
as “a deep, undefinable rumble like heavy trucks bumping over an uneven
highway, accompanied by a heavy rattling of windows and doors.” According to W.L.
Kennon, who was the physics and astronomy professor at University of
Mississippi at the time, the tremors were the strongest felt in Oxford in more
than twenty years. Minor damage was reported in Belzoni, Water Valley and
Tillatoba, mostly limited to fallen chimneys or broken dishes. In Charleston,
the most serious damage was to the Tallahatchie Agricultural High School.
in 1917, the Tallahatchie Agricultural High School was one of a number of
similar schools constructed in Mississippi in the early years of the 20th
Century. The campus was comprised of three main buildings, including an
administration building and two dormitories, all equipped with steam heat,
electric lights and "sanitary closets," plus a full complement of
farm buildings for hogs, cows and chickens. The first principal of the school
(and one of the agricultural teachers) was Avery Benjamin (A.B.) Dille. Dille
(left) played football at Mississippi A&M and earned a letter in 1910 as a
halfback. From 1914 to 1916, he taught in the agricultural department and was
the head football coach at Mississippi Normal College (now the University of
Southern Mississippi), where he compiled a record of six wins, ten losses and
one tie. In 1916, Dille’s team went 0-3, losing by a combined score of 193-0 to
Meridian High School, Mississippi College and Spring Hill in Mobile.* After the
1916 season, the football program was suspended, not because of the losses but
because of World War I and Dille took the job at Tallahatchie AHS the next
year. A.B. Dille died in 1964 and is buried in Adams County. Engraved on his
tombstone is the following inscription: "Athlete, Teacher of Our Youth,
Devoted Husband and Father, Herdsman and Tiller of the Soil, Friend to All
Mankind, Servant of The Lord."

other agricultural high schools, the Tallahatchie AHS was a boarding school and
offered a full curriculum of academic courses in addition to training in
agriculture and home economics, all designed "to improve and uplift the
rural life, to lessen drudgery, to increase comforts, to make more attractive
the home and the school and to lead in the development of a sufficient and
satisfying country civilization." Students enrolled were expected to work
on the school's farm and in the upkeep of the school and, interestingly, had
uniforms. Much like the modern debate over school uniforms, the school required
them in order to "do away with any class distinction that might exist
because of different financial circumstances of parents." Girls at
Tallahatchie AHS wore plain white dresses in warm months and plain dark dresses
during the winter, while boys were expected to wear overalls and have "one
nice suit, properly cared for" for the whole year. In its catalogue, the
school made clear to parents that "the wearing of extra fine and expensive
clothing of any kind will not be allowed." In addition to academics,
students were also expected to attend some church and Sunday School each week
and were required to participate in devotional periods each morning. The
religious instruction was necessary, according to the school's catalogue, since
"no training is complete unless the head, the hand and the heart are
trained." Tuition for the school was free to any students from
Tallahatchie County and very affordable for those outside the county (in 1920
it was $2 per month). Boarding fees were based on how much food, heat, etc.
were used by the students, with the cost divided equally among all boarders.

a result of the 1931 earthquake, the Tallahatchie AHS suffered more extensive
damage than other buildings in the area, including cracked walls and
foundations and several toppled chimneys. No students were injured in the
disaster, however, as there were no students left at the school. In fact, the
Tallahatchie Agricultural High School had already been closed because of
another, much more cataclysmic event: the Great Depression. As a
self-supporting school, parents simply could no longer afford even the modest
fees and financial support from the Federal and state governments had dried up.
In place of the students, the WPA established an office in the former
administration building and over time the dormitory buildings were lost. The
administration building still stands and is now the Newsome Funeral Home (above) in
1931 earthquake might have been the strongest thus far in Mississippi but it
was certainly not the last. In 1955, for example, there was a seismic event on
the Gulf Coast, shaking houses and rattling windows along a thirty-mile-wide strip
and in 1967 two earthquakes were centered near Greenville. While tornadoes,
hurricanes and floods account for most of the natural disasters in Mississippi,
the reality is that tremors occur here on a frequent basis. Though widespread
damage from an earthwork might seem unlikely, it would be wise to remember that
there is danger lurking just beneath the surface.
Although only three games are listed officially, there were apparently other
games scheduled but not played in 1916 and at least one scrimmage against Ole
Miss. That game, against an established powerhouse, was a narrow 13-7 loss for
Mississippi Normal. Unfortunately, the football media guide for USM incorrectly
lists Coach Dille’s name as “Dillie.”
Photo and Image Sources:
(1) Savannah newspaper:
(2) New Madrid:
(4) Dille:
(5) Tallahatchie AHS:
(6) Students:
(7) Newsome Funeral Home:
Very informative. Thanks!! :))))