Eighteen individuals with ties to Mississippi have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Many others were awarded Medals of Honor for actions in
Mississippi during the Civil War. Of course, these were all for Union soldiers
and sailors (as the Medal of Honor would obviously not be awarded
to Confederate soldiers). For the eighteen Mississippians, the recipients
represent all wars from the Civil War to Vietnam. There is only one for World
War I. Awarded to Lt. Commander James J. Madison, the citation is for bravery
at sea. The curious thing is that Madison had hardly any ties to Mississippi.
James Jonas Madison (right) was born in
Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1884. In
1917, he was appointed as a Lieutenant in the Naval Reserve, apparently from
Mississippi. As he was previously
engaged as a merchant marine, the presumption is that he was somewhere in
Mississippi when he enlisted and was commissioned. Regardless, Madison was
assigned to the cargo steamship USS Ticonderoga.
Built in 1914 as a German merchant steamship (as the Kamilla Rickmers), she was seized by the U.S. in 1917 and renamed Ticonderoga. Commissioned in January 1918 in Boston, the
USS Ticonderoga’s mission was to take
cargo, including vehicles, animals and other supplies for the U.S. Army, to
France. With James J. Madison in command, the Ticonderoga made several successful voyages across the Atlantic in
In early
September, she was loaded with another cargo bound for France (including some
Army troops), and joined a convoy which left New York on September 22. During
the night of September 29, Ticonderoga
(left) developed some engine trouble and had to leave the convoy to work on repairs.
Left alone, she was, unfortunately, easy prey for German U-boats operating in
the Atlantic. At 5:20 a.m. on September 30, 1918, crew members of the Ticonderoga spotted the German submarine
U-152 on the surface. U-152 was a cruiser-type submarine built
at Hamburg. Commissioned in the fall of 1917, she had originally been built for
transporting supplies, but was converted to a combat submarine for operation in
the Atlantic. As the Ticonderoga’s
crew prepared for action, Lt. Commander Madison tried to ram the U-boat, but
was unsuccessful. When U-152 opened
fire, the Ticonderoga suffered
several hits, knocking out her forward gun, setting her on fire, killing
several men and wounding, among others, Madison. Although he was badly wounded, Madison
remained on the bridge and turned the ship around so the after gun could go
into action against the sub. In response, U-152
submerged and then surfaced again, taking out the after gun, rendering the Ticonderoga defenseless. Free to fire on
the Ticonderoga without fear of
return fire, U-152 pounded the ship
with her two 15cm deck guns and fired a torpedo just behind the engine room.

With heavy
casualties, the Ticonderoga began to
sink. Abandoning the ship under a white flag, the survivors tried to cram onto
just one boat and one raft available (the others sank upon launching). Lt.
Commander Madison was by this time unconscious due to a loss of blood and was
lowered into the lifeboat by his crew members. Even as the ship was sinking, U-152 continued to fire on the surviving
crew members and searched for U.S. Navy officers. Two were captured: Executive
Officer Lt. Frank Muller and Lt. Junius Fulcher (in the photo above, the two officers appear on the deck of U-152 with the German crew members).The other survivors, including
the critically wounded Madison, were left adrift in the ocean. Four days later,
the British freighter Moorish Prince
happened on the survivors. Out of 237 men on board the USS Ticonderoga, only twenty-four survived, including the two captured
officers. The losses, which included 112 sailors and 101 soldiers, was the
greatest combat loss of any U.S. Navy ship during World War I.
James J.
Madison would eventually lose his leg because of the wounds suffered on the Ticonderoga, and died on Christmas Day
in 1922. He was just 38 years old.
Before he died, he was promoted to Commander and retired from the Navy in
1920. In the citation for his Medal of
Honor, Madison was recognized for “exceptionally heroic service.” Although his
connection to Mississippi is somewhat difficult to establish, his Medal of
Honor is credited to the magnolia state. Madison is buried in Fairview, New Jersey.
(1) Madison: http://en.wikipedia.org
(2-4) http://www.history.navy.mil
(5) Madison grave: http://www.findagrave.com
my grandfarther was one of the surviers Charles Feicht